
WE.G Eesti

Customer: Maru Ehitus AS
Capacity: 120T

Väo Äripark, Plaasi 4

Customer: Eventus Ehitus OÜ
Capacity: 3200 m2 SW paneelid 

Tootsi Tuulepark Connecto

Customer: Savekate OÜ
Capacity: 630 m2 SW panel installation

Customer: Exmet Services OÜ
Tonnage: 17T 

IAC Tartu Alumiiniumvalu

Customer: Mapri Ehitus OÜ
Tonnage: 97T

Utilitas Pumping Station

Customer: Grand Ehitus OÜ
Tonnaaž: 180T

Auvere Synchronous Compensator Station

Customer: Maru Ehitus AS
Tonnaaž: 107T

Denim Dream Office Building

Customer: Mapri Ehitus OÜ
Tonnaaž: 16T

Kiisa Synchronous compensator station

Customer:  Maru Ehitus AS
Tonnage: 104T

Büroo ja tootmishoone – Angerja 59/61

Cusotmer: Nordecon Betoon OÜ
Tonnaaž: 99T

Markland Trade Manufacturing Building

Customer: Exmet Services OÜ
Tonnaaž: 140T

T6B - Multifunctional warehouse and production building

Customer: Messiehitus OÜ
Tonnage: 125T

Tech Group AS – Production building

Customer:  Messiehitus OÜ
Tonnage: 160T

Kookon Nutilaod - Come 39

Customer: Exmet Services OÜ
Tonnage: 12T

Solo Stock Office

Customer: Eventus Ehitus OÜ
Tonnage: 74T

Varikatuse paigaldus

Customer: Maru Ehitus AS 
Tonnage: 11T

Favorte Warehouse

Customer: Eventus Ehitus OÜ 
Tonnage: 99T

Ringtee Äripark - Stock Office

Customer: Eventus Ehitus OÜ
Tonnage: 99T

Kookon Stock, Lillemäe tee 2

Customer: Exmet Services OÜ
Tonnage: 39T


Customer: Maru Ehitus AS
Tonnage: 65T

Kindergarten Kellukese - Noole 11

Customer: Mapri Ehitus OÜ
Tonnage: 55T

Reti laod - Reti tee 6

Customer: Mapri Ehitus OÜ
Tonnage: 122T

Stock Office - Peterburi tee 90a

Customer: Mapri Ehitus OÜ
Tonnage: 36T

Ekdah Miljö AB, Sverige

Customer: JS Smide AB
Tonnage: 110T

Busland - Painting and repair shop

Customer: Mapri Ehitus OÜ
Tonnage: 38T

Auto repair shop - Padise

Customer: AMV Metall OÜ
Tonnage: 35T

Hyper Rimi Drive-IN

Customer: Reparo OÜ
Tonnage: 3T


Customer: F-Transport OÜ
Tonnage: 7T

Hummeltorp Sverige AB, Sverige

Customer: BauEst AB
Tonnage: 10T

Kohtla-Järve Ice hall

Customer: Savekate OÜ
Tonnage: 180T

KFC Fast food restaurant

Customer: Grand Ehitus OÜ
Tonnage: 11T

LynnSport - Kings Lynn, UK

Customer: British Council

Paper mill expansion

Customer: VMT Tehased AS
Tonnage: 45T

Kookon Stock, Piloodi tee 5

Customer: Exmet Services OÜ
Tonnage: 15T

Lotus Timber

Customer: Rivest OÜ
Tonnage: 220T

Chemi - Pharm

Customer: Maru Ehitus AS
Tonnage: 11T

Salmistu observation tower

Customer: Kaurits OÜ
Tonnage: 8T

Halver Puit OÜ

Customer: Deil Metall OÜ
Tonnage: 15T

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us